Author Archives: Kate Wiseman

Fabulous fruits
I get a lot of questions about which fruit trees grow well in San Diego, so I thought I would list a few favorites thatView full post »

Get rid of your lawn!
As water starts to become more expensive, a lot of people are turning to getting rid of all or part of their lawn as aView full post »

Cost Saving Water Saving techniques
I have started to get a lot of questions (finally!) about how people can save water in their yards. Now my favoriteView full post »

Glass tile
One of the current trends in swimming pool design is the use of glass tile. The industry has burgeoned over the last fewView full post »

Sage Sages
At the moment, I am in love with Salvias. They are drought tolerant and come in all sorts of wonderful colors (and sizesView full post »

March garden design tips
Next month is the Coronado Flower show. For weeks, homeowners in Coronado have been sprucing up their front yards withView full post »