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Sage Outdoor Designs in San Diego Union Tribune

We are proud to have a Sage Outdoor Designs project featured in this weekend’s San Diego Union Tribune home section in Lou Shook’s weekly column Distinguished Digs. Here is the full article:

By Louis Shook

The Mission Hills home of Judy Flemming and Ishman Clarke is a Tudor-Craftsman style home with views of Coronado, Point Loma and the skyline of downtown San Diego. Built in 1914, the home has been meticulously restored to exceed its original beauty.

The home has been in Flemmings’s family since 1952. When her mother passed away, Flemming and her husband Ishman moved in and began the process of fixing up the house and the landscaping.
“The backyard was in bad shape. It was a typical 1950s style with two patches of grass,” said Clarke who worked as a plant disease control expert for San Diego. “I really enjoyed that type of work,” he said. Retired now, he proudly described a memorable project of renovating the Casa de Estudillo garden in Old Town.

Although Clarke had strong ideas about the type of plants he wanted in his yard, he wanted help with the layout and design. For the design he hired Kate Wiseman of Sage Outdoor. “It was really a pleasure to work with Kate, she helped us pull it all together,” Clarke said. The backyard is now a very inviting area with stonework, an arbor and a variety of plants, fruit trees and exotic palms. “Our plant material comes from areas of the world with similar climates. It all flows together nicely.”

Clarke and Flemming worked with a number of local contractors. Stained glass windows were ordered to match stone tiles on the 100-year old fireplace. The wood floors, window frames, banisters and ceiling beams were beautifully refinished. Interior walls were textured and painted. Clark praised David Lown for the work he did on the wood refinishing, texturing and painting. The exterior of the house was painted by Jose Lemus who has painted a number of homes in the neighborhood according to Clarke. High quality craftsmanship is evident throughout the house.
For interior touches they hired Linda Balinger of Balinger Design Studio. “Linda was very instrumental in the remodel. She selected kitchen flooring and chose the color palette throughout the house,” said Flemming.

The kitchen has been completely upgraded. There are new stainless steel appliances, cherry wood cabinets and stone tile flooring. Clarke’s son, Brian Dingman, who works for Brookman Tile, did tile work in the kitchen and other rooms. The original house had a room known as a “California cooler.” According to Clarke these rooms were built into houses to store and keep food from spoiling. These rooms were used before most homes had the refrigerators we take for granted today. The small room is now used as a pantry and is naturally the coolest place in the house. The original house also had a coal shoot that is no longer in use.

“It was a pleasure working with all the contractors,” said Clarke. “The architectural features and the landscape work very well together.” ■

Louis Shook is freelance writer in Encinitas. He can be contated at

© Kate Wiseman 2010. In San Diego? Want your own waterwise landscape design? I’d love to help! Please visit for more info.

Sage Outdoor Designs is a San Diego landscape design firm. Kate
Wiseman, the Principal, has been a San Diego landscape designer
for the past ten years. Find out more at

Selecting outdoor planter pots: Campania

In the world of planter pots, and especially precast concrete planters, there is a little bit of nice out there…. and a whole lot of ugly. Most of the concrete fountains that I see are so horrible and trite that I am shocked anyone buys them (or sells them)!

So when I find a reliable gem out there, I just have to pass it on, and there is one company that I feel like is a much needed exception to the rule: Campania International.

Their fountains and pots are surprisingly tasteful and they have a such a wide selection that I can almost always find one that is the style I need, whether my project is Mediterranean or Modern. In San Diego, there are a few dealers, but I like to work with Column One. Restoration Hardware often has a few of their fountains for sale (in fact if you see a concrete fountain on their website, it is most likely made by Campania).

For your viewing pleasure, here is a selection of their fountains and pots:

From top to bottom they are:

1. Echo Fountain. This fountain is lovely for a transitional design that is a little bit Mediterranean but a little bit Modern with a clean aesthetic, and it fits in tight spaces that need a vertical element. Think of flanking a doorway or gate with two of these.
2. Alandra Jar. I love the glaze and shape of this jar. It makes a great fountain centerpeice or works well on top of a short column.
3. Arabesque Window Boxes. These are perfect for a Moroccan design or a very Classic one.
4. Sarinac Planter. This one is a perfect Modern Minimalist planter. I think it might also make a nice small fire pit.
5. Williamsburg Absett Hall Urn. There is something about the egg shape of this planter that I adore. This is perfect for a Colonial look. Place one on either side of a Chippendale Bench or try them on top of two short brick columns for a grand entry.
6. X-3 Fountain. There are not a lot of pre-made fountain that can hold there own in a very Modern landscape design, but this one can (obviously skipping the silly little dove accents). Its smooth lines and bold shape make it a statement piece at a fraction of the cost of a custom fountain.
7. Andalusia Wall Fountain. Precast concrete wall fountains tend to take my top prize for horribly ugly, but not this one! It wins me over by keeping it simple. This would work with an Italian landscape, or a French Provincial one.
8. Lerida Bowl. I adore how wonderfully aged this bowl looks. It looks like it has been out in the elements for a lifetime. This one is in their Aged Limestone finish, which helps contribute to this look.

© Kate Wiseman 2010. In San Diego? Want your own waterwise landscape design? I’d love to help! Please visit for more info.

Sage Outdoor Designs is a San Diego landscape design firm. Kate
Wiseman, the Principal, has been a San Diego landscape designer
for the past ten years. Find out more at

A beautiful New Year to You!

Here at Sage, we want to wish you all a happy New Year!

Here is a little beauty for you care of Dominique Vorillon Photography (whose work we admire very much) to carry you into 2012. If you want to while away a few happy moments on New Year’s day and the Rose Parade is already over, spend some time scrolling through one gorgeous garden after another in his garden portfolio.

© Kate Wiseman 2010. In San Diego? Want your own waterwise landscape design? I’d love to help! Please visit for more info.

Sage Outdoor Designs is a San Diego landscape design firm. Kate
Wiseman, the Principal, has been a San Diego landscape designer
for the past ten years. Find out more at

Okay, I admit it

This is something that will probably get me in trouble for admitting, so don’t spread it around too much: I’m getting tired of designing anything Tuscan. Really tired of it. However, the rest of San Diego doesn’t seem to be, so instead of swearing off Tuscan entirely, I’m just going to try that much harder to make the Tuscan designs that much more interesting. I’m going to think of it as a design challenge to make your Tuscan home so much more unique, lovely, and inspired than the others.

Because, there really are a lot of gorgeous materials out there, materials that work so well with a Mediterranean style, that are timeless and not the slightest bit trite (unlike dated looking fake stone and tumbled concrete pavers) and this stone is one of those materials. The two pictures here are gorgeous cream limestone from the guys at Salado Quarry. I love it! Don’t you think it adds a whole new level of refinement? Can’t you practically hear the cicadas chirping on some windswept hill in Tuscany when you look at it? (No, really that’s just me?) You can get this beautiful stone through the helpful folks at Thompsons Building Materials in Lemon Grove. I think they have the best and most varied selection of veneer stone in the city, so drop in some time and check out their display areas, or just check out their great website.

 © Kate Wiseman 2010. Want your own waterwise landscape design? Please visit for more info.

Sage Outdoor Designs is a San Diego landscape design firm. Kate
Wiseman, the Principal, has been a San Diego landscape designer
for the past ten years. Find out more at

Great color for your outdoor room: Fermob

Color: I get a little (okay maybe more than a little) tired of neutral colors. There is a lot of beige and grey to be found in your average patio, and it makes me crave color. Of course, I still want the color to be tasteful, so thank goodness for the French outdoor furniture company, Fermob.

This little bistro chair might look dainty, but it is made of solid stuff and will last a lifetime. It is sitting amongst some gorgeous Aeoniums at the outdoor showroom Chickweed (in the Cedros Design District).

Fermob’s metal furniture comes in amazing colors: rich, bright, saturated, bold colors! A bistro set with four chairs and a 30″ table will run you somewhere in the range of $700, so not too prohibitively expensive, and they are perfect for cramped spaces (ie think Parisian cafe).

Oh, and if it doesn’t look comfortable to you, go down to Cedros and try it out. They are amazingly comfortable! And if you need them to, they fold up (even the tables).

Wanna see the colors? I like the idea of mixing and matching. How about a Fyord Blue Table with Storm Grey and Willow Green chairs?

© Kate Wiseman 2010. Want your own waterwise landscape design? Please visit for more info.

Sage Outdoor Designs is a San Diego landscape design firm. Kate
Wiseman, the Principal, has been a San Diego landscape designer
for the past ten years. Find out more at