Category Archives: Uncategorized
Style trend: Junipers?
Lately I have been noticing that in the world of popular drought tolerant plants, there is one genus that teeters on theView full post »
Giveaway winner!
The winner of our first ever giveaway is Angela! Congratulations! Angela- You don’t have to do anything, a repView full post »
Follow-up on Buddleia’s
Thanks to Jeremy for his comment on my last buddleia post. This Buddleia is absolutely amazing- when can we get it hereView full post »
Seeking: designer to share studio space
I have a goregous new studio space on 25th Street in Golden Hill in the 830MXD building. I am looking to share my 350 sqView full post »
Affordable modern fountain
From time to time, I like to highlight a product or reseller that I stumble across. In a recent search for an attractiveView full post »
Brighten up your yard!
Whoever said plants had to be green? Colored foliage adds interest to your garden all year round, even when there are noView full post »
What’s blooming now?
In San Diego we are currently right on the middle of our first Santa Ana for the year. My garden is looking a littleView full post »
I want to remove my lawn, now what?
You want to take out your lawn to save water, but when you sit back and look at your front yard, you can’t evenView full post »
San Diego Bougainvilleas
After our last few weeks of hot weather, many San Diego garden plants are wilted and not looking their best. TheView full post »
Great San Diego Garden Design
San Diego landscape design is as varied as our communities. Here are a few examples of excellent design that are open toView full post »
Yellow variegation adds a summer glow to your garden
During May Grey we talked about grey foliage, and I posted my favorite blue foliage plants during June Gloom, so sunnyView full post »
Home highlight: blending perennials with succulents
Succulents and perennials mix beautifully in this front garden in San Diego, Ca. By calling attention to the plants withView full post »
Getting the planting “blues”
Blue or blue-green foliage is incredibly soothing to the eye. Adding even a hint of it to a garden can create a zen-likeView full post »
Grafted gardenias bring the gorgeous flower back to San Diego gardens
Gardenias are one of the most spectacularly scented flowers in a summer garden, but they have a well earned reputationView full post »
Geraniums are great color for a hot spot in your garden
Pelargoniums are ivy-leafed geraniums. It is a misnomer since they aren’t actually related to geraniums at all,View full post »