Author Archives: Kate Wiseman

Don’t miss the Garden of Lights at the San Diego Botanical Garden
From now through New Years Eve, the San Diego Botanical Garden throws their Garden of Lights celebration. They deck outView full post »

Decorating for the holidays with plants
Holiday party coming up? I love the idea of decorating your front entry with plants- it is cheerful and tasteful, andView full post »

Bonfire logs- great idea or just a little odd?
This is about as simple as a fire pit can get! It only takes one match starts the bonfire log burning, and then you haveView full post »

Christmas gift for that quirky Modernist you love
This is the stylish hanging Orbit planter designed by Potted. They have it planted with a mop head of Carex glauca, butView full post »

Moon Gates
I have a bit of a thing for anything circular, so I have always been fascinated by traditional Chinese Moon Gates. ThisView full post »

Mid-Century Modern Christmas present for that hipster you love
Meet the Jack-Be-Little planter. It is small, fabulously colorful, very Mid-Century, and ever so hip. It comes in a richView full post »

How to select materials to create a design aesthetic
I am very excited to get a chance to teach a course through the Genesis 3 program this March (the 7th and 8th) at theView full post »

Genesis 3 education program in Nordhorn, Germany
I am so proud to have been involved with the Genesis 3 education program in Nordhorn, Germany, sponsored by RivieraView full post »

Hanging globe terrariums
Yes, I know these are trendy, and I usually try not to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else, but this time I justView full post »

Mid-Century Modern Planters by Steel Life
If, like me, you are a little obsessed with Mid-Century modern, I think you’ll love these planters by Steel Life!View full post »

Modern barbecue island (outdoor kitchen)
I have designed quite a few outdoor kitchens, and I will admit that I have my own favorites amongst them. This is oneView full post »

Do you use Pinterest?
I stumbled upon Pinterest fairly recently, and I will admit that at first I thought it was silly. Pinterest is a way toView full post »

Do you take your work home with you?
I think that everyone imagines that a landscape designer probably has a huge garden just bursting with plants. Some do,View full post »

What was your first garden?
My road to becoming a landscape designer in San Diego was a long and twisted one. It all started with a little plot inView full post »

Is there anybody out there?
So I realize that a lot of the hits I get on my blog aren’t actually real people, they are little “robotsView full post »